These are answers to common questions. If the solutions listed here don't seem to help the problem, please let me know.

Why does Invoice Builder freeze/hang on startup?
Why does Invoice Builder unexpectedly quit?
Why doesn't creating invoices with Microsoft Word work?
Why can't Invoice Builder import my "Client Data" file?
Why can't Invoice Builder open my invoice data file?
Why won't Invoice Builder open Microsoft Word?
Why can't I create a new group/invoice/entry?
Why can't I create a new format?
Why doesn't Invoice Builder print my invoice/group info?
Why won't Invoice Builder save my data file?
Why doesn't "Check for Update" work?
Why won't my action scripts work?
Why doesn't "Export Data" work?
Why doesn't copy/cut/paste work?
Why won't dragging work?
Why doesn't the dialog box appear when I select it from the menu?
Why does my computer hang when I create an invoice?


Why does Invoice Builder freeze/hang on startup?
There are a few different possibilities for the freeze. First, try trashing your "Invoice Builder Preferences" file located in the Preferences folder in the System Folder. If that does not help, try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder.

Why does Invoice Builder unexpectedly quit?
Invoice Builder might unexpectedly quit if it runs very low on memory. Normally, this will not happen. If it does, try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder. If the problem persists, try trashing your preference file.

Why doesn't creating invoices with Microsoft Word work?
There are a few different possibilities. First, if you have Microsoft Word 98, make sure Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is installed. If you did the default install for Word, it should already be installed. If not, insert the Microsoft Word CD, run the installer, and install VBA.

If this does not work, make sure that you have selected a valid Invoice Stationery file. Try using the Invoice Stationery files that are included in the Invoice Builder 2.0 folder.

If this does not work and you have Word 98, try the following steps:
1. Open Microsoft Word
2. Click on the Tools menu. Select "Macros" and choose "Macros..."
3. Delete all the macros that have the word "Temp" in them.

If this does not work, please let me know.

Why can't Invoice Builder import my "Client Data" file?
Invoice Builder can only import files from Invoice Builder version 1.1 and later. If you have a file from version 1.0, it will not work. If your file is from version 1.1 or later and importing does not work, try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder.

Why can't Invoice Builder open my invoice data file?
If Invoice Builder can not open your data file, try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder. If this does not work, your data file may be corrupted.

Why won't Invoice Builder open Microsoft Word?
Your computer must have enough RAM for both Invoice Builder and Microsoft Word to be open at the same time. If your machine does not, try using virtual memory. If you have enough memory and Word is installed on your machine, try rebuilding the desktop database. See Mac OS Help for more information.

Why can't I create a new group/invoice/entry?
If your copy of Invoice Builder is not registered, there is a limit of how many groups, invoices, and entries you can create. If you have registered, try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder.

Why can't I create a new format?
Invoice Builder may not have enough memory to create a new format. Try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder.

Why doesn't Invoice Builder print my invoice/group info?
Make sure your printer and print software are setup correctly. If everything is set up correctly, you may have to give Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder.

Why won't Invoice Builder save my invoice data file?
If Invoice Builder can't find your data file (if the disk it was on was ejected, for example) you won't be able to save your data until you reinsert the disk. If the data file was trashed, Invoice Builder will let you select a new place to save the data. If your disk does not enough room to save the data, try freeing up the space on the disk and try again.

Why doesn't "Check for Update" work?
You must have an internet connection and Open Transport installed to use the Check for Update feature. Open Transport is installed by default by Mac OS 8 and later. The Check for Update button will be disabled if Invoice Builder is already checking for an update.

Why won't my action scripts work?
Make sure you've properly attached your action script to the object (invoice/group/format/file) that you want to trigger it. For more information, see "How do I run an AppleScript?". If it is attached, make sure your script is written correctly. For examples of action scripts, see the files in the "Sample AppleScripts" folder included with Invoice Builder.

Why doesn't "Export Data" work?
Make sure you've given the exported file a valid Mac OS file name. If it doesn't work, try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder.

Why doesn't cut/copy/paste work?
You can copy only invoices, entries, timers, and text. If you try to copy these and it doesn't work, try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder.

Why won't dragging work?
You can drag invoices, entries, timers, and text. You can not drag entire groups. If dragging does not work, try giving Invoice Builder more memory in the Finder.

Why doesn't the dialog box appear when I select from the menu?
A dialog box or window may not appear because there is not enough memory to display it. Quit Invoice Builder and try giving it more memory.

Why does my computer hang when I create an invoice?
Your computer may hang or appear to freeze when you create an invoice. However, it is just Microsoft Word loading the necessary software to create the invoice. It shouldn't take any longer than one minute to load the software and continue creating the invoice. This will only happen the first time you create an invoice (Word has to load the software everytime it is opened).